About the Red Jackets movement
100 stories about Latvia. 100 stories about excellence. The Red
Jackets movement is about excellence.
The Red Jackets unites best exporting brands from Latvia. These
outstanding companies proudly enter export markets and amaze the world
with top-notch products, services, knowledge, and values. These are
brands rooted in Latvia and led by talented, intelligent and sincere
The Red Jackets movement was started by couple of active people, and
now it unites many organizations who care about our exporters and our
Our aim is to tell about Latvia through our brands, exceptional people
and inspiring places.
We thank our great supporters who help us make all of this happen: Bank "Citadele", Eco Baltia Group, Gateway&Partners, BDO Law, ALTUM and our many friends.
Family photo of our founders and creative souls: Līva Stūrmane, Andris Rubīns, Inese Andersone, Jānis Birznieks, Māris Ločmelis.

Would you like to learn more about us and our brands, please, get in touch!
Līva Stūrmane